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2024 Weekly Homilies

The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph

Fr. John O'Neill

The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas Eve)

Fr. John O'Neill

Fourth Sunday of Advent

Fr. John O'Neill

Third Sunday of Advent (Gaudete)

Fr. David Carvajal

Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception

Fr. John O'Neill

Second Sunday of Advent / Mass in honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe

Bishop David Konderla

Second Sunday of Advent

Fr. John O'Neill

2024 Advent Mission Night 2

Dr. Karlo Broussard

2024 Advent Mission Night 1

Dr. Karlo Broussard

First Sunday of Advent, YEAR C

"Jesus Christ, the Hope of the World" - Fr. John O'Neill

Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe

Fr. David Carvajal

33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Fr. John O'Neill

32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Fr. David Carvajal

31st Sunday in Ordinary Time

Fr. John O'Neill

Solemnity of All Saints

Fr. John O'Neill

30th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Fr. David Carvajal

29th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Fr. David Carvajal

28th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Fr. David Carvajal

27th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Fr. John O'Neill

26th Sunday in Ordinary Time

"Cut It Off" - Fr. John O'Neill

24th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Fr. John O'Neill

23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Fr. David Carvajal

22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Fr. John O'Neill

21st Sunday in Ordinary Time

Fr. David Carvajal

20th Sunday in Ordinary Time

A Homily for Healing - Fr. John O'Neill

Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Fr. David Carvajal

18th Sunday in Ordinary Time

"Being a Eucharistic People" - Fr. John O'Neill

17th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Fr. Christopher Daigle

14th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Fr. David Carvajal

14th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Fr. David Carvajal

14th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Fr. John O'Neill (Strategic Plan Update)

13th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Fr. Carlos Loaiza (Final Sunday in Bartlesville)

12th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Fr. John O'Neill

11th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Fr. John O'Neill

10th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Fr. John O'Neill

The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity (Corpus Christi)

Fr. Carlos Loaiza

The Solemnity of the Holy Trinity

Fr. John O'Neill (Saturday Vigil Mass)

Pentecost Sunday (High School Graduation Mass)

Fr. John O'Neill

Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord (Mother's Day)

Fr. John O'Neill

6th Sunday of Easter 

Fr. John O'Neill

5th Sunday of Easter (First Communion Sunday)

Fr. John O'Neill

Confirmation Mass

Bishop David Konderla

4th Sunday of Easter

"What Makes the Good Shepherd Good?" - Deacon Dan Pickett

3rd Sunday of Easter

Fr. Carlos Loaiza

Divine Mercy Sunday (2nd Sunday of Easter)

Fr. John O'Neill

Easter Vigil

Fr. John O'Neill

Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion

Fr. John O'Neill

5th Sunday of Lent

Third Scrutiny - Fr. John O'Neill

4th Sunday of Lent

Laetare Sunday - Fr. John O'Neill

2nd Sunday of Lent (Sunday Vigil)

Fr. John O'Neill

1st Sunday of Lent & The Rite of Sending

Fr. John O'Neill

Ash Wednesday (School Mass)

Fr. Carlos Loaiza

6th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Fr. Carlos Loaiza

5th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Fr. John O'Neill

4th Sunday in Ordinary Time

"Listening to God and Responding - Stewardship" - Fr. John O'Neill

3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

"Called to Drop Our Nets"- Deacon Dan Pickett

The Epiphany of the Lord

Fr. John O'Neill

St. John Before the Latin Gate is a Parish of the
Roman Catholic Diocese of Tulsa and Eastern Oklahoma
715 S. Johnstone Ave. Bartlesville, OK 74003 | (918) 336.4353
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