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Family Life

Family Life/Respect Life

This ministry promotes the dignity and respect of the human person from conception to natural death by collaborating with other ministries and committees to ensure our parish is a place where life is welcomed, defended and respected. Our focus is on prayer, coupled with actions (such as peaceful protests at Planned Parenthood facilities and work on political issues), to bring about awareness through education â€‹



Moms and Tots

Moms and Tots play group meets Thursday mornings. Location changes weekly.


  • For more information, contact Mara Faragher, 316-304-9613 for Group Information


Parish Nursery

Our Nursery is open Sunday mornings during the 10:30am Mass. We welcome ages 1-4.


  • If you are interested in helping in the Nursery, or for more information, please contact Clare Ppool, 918-397-5320.



Retrouvaille is for couples with marital problems that want marriage help. Those who are considering marriage separation and those who are already separated or divorced are encouraged to consider the Retrouvaille Program. There is always hope of reviving your relationship.



St. John Catholic School Volunteers 

All parents of St. John Catholic School students are asked to volunteer in many various ways; however, other parishioners are encouraged to donate their time and talents to the school as well. The volunteer opportunities are endless and nothing is too small to benefit our school. 


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