Parish History
Parish History and Information
St. John was founded in 1906 by Fr. John Van den Hende. The dedication name of the church is "St. John Before the Latin Gate" to honor St. John the Evangelist. The current building was built under the parish direction of Fr. John F. Lynch in 1961. It has a seating capacity of approximately 650. The fifteen windows in the sanctuary were designed and built by Gabriel Loire and imported from Chartres, France. Fourteen of the windows are the Stations of the Cross. The fifteenth window of the church is over the Baptistry and is a depiction of Jesus being baptized by St. John the Baptist. The crucifix over the main altar is the largest in the State of Oklahoma. The main altar is made of marble and a depiction of a pelican is on the front of the altar. The female pelican will pierce her chest to feed and preserve her offspring with her own blood. The pelican represents Christ, giving us his Body and Blood in the Eucharist. The 24-Hour Marian-chapel on the southwest corner was painted by Pat Patterson. The art work on the walls depicts the Joyful, Sorrowful and Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary. In 2006, the parish celebrated its Centenial Celebration.
Currently, St. John has approximately 620 families and is continually growing. Our Parish is a vibrant community, led by the Holy Spirit to proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ in the world.
(from most current to founding)
Rev. John O'Neill (2017 - present)
Rev. Michael Pratt (2014 - 2017)
Rev. Festus Maliwa (2004-2014)
Rev. Stephen E. Austin (1997-2004)
Rev. Gregory Gier (1996-1997)
Rev. Joe C. Townsend (1995-1996)
Rev. Arthur T. O'Hara (1991-1995)
Rev. Bernard Jewitt (1985-1991)
Rev. Lee O'Neil (1972-1985)
Rev. Daniel Cronin (1968-1972)
Rev. Francis E. McGoldrick (1965-1968)
Rev. John F. Lynch (1947-1965)
Rev. Emil Depreitere (1941-1947)
Rev. Hubert A. Van Rechem (1925-1941)
Rev. John Van den Hende (1906-1925)
Rev. Edward Van Waesberghe (1901-1906)