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For as the body is one and has many members, but all the members of that one body,

being many, are one body, so also is Christ.


1 Corinthians 12:12

Liturgical Ministries

Altar Servers

Altar Servers assist in the Celebration of Mass by ministering at the altar and participating in liturgical processions. Reverence and reliability are very important qualities for those interested. Boys and girls may train to become an altar server at our Lord's Table after his or her First Holy Communion. 


Click here to view the Fall 2024 Altar Server Schedule


  • For more information, contact Tracey Brong at 918-336-0333,


Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

The Eucharistic Ministry is available to any confirmed practicing Catholic who is of outstanding faith and morality.  They participate in the weekend and Holy Day Masses.  The Ministry includes the distribution of Holy Communion and the opportunity is available to bring Holy Communion to the sick and shut-ins of our parish.



Homebound Ministry

As a support to the pastor and the deacons, ministers carry the Holy Eucharist to patients in the hospital, to shut-ins at home, nursing homes and assisted living facilities, and pray with and for the homebound.


  • For more information, contact Cathy Jones, 918-440-3720.


The purpose of the ministry of lector is to proclaim the Word of God in the liturgical assembly. It is more than skillful reading; it is a proclamation.  A proclamation is an announcement of one's own faith as well as that of the worshiping community.  All new lectors are given training so that they may fulfill this important ministry with due care.




Sacristans help assist and prepare for the Celebration of Mass by getting everything ready in the Sacristy for that particular Mass. They also assist in the cleaning and maintenance of altar linens, sacred vessels, and the Sacristy.




St. John Before the Latin Gate is a Parish of the
Roman Catholic Diocese of Tulsa and Eastern Oklahoma
715 S. Johnstone Ave. Bartlesville, OK 74003 | (918) 336.4353
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