We need your help!
Be a volunteer
Help with setting up and cleaning up for snacks, handing out learning materials, and escorting students during classes, and assisting with other duties as needed by the Totus Tuus team.
Housing and Meals
We also need volunteers willing to board the Totus Tuus team and volunteers to provide them with meals.
We are in need of popsicles, individual packaged snacks, fruit juice drinks, napkins, large/small paper plates, Clorox wipes, hand wipes and paper towels.
To help volunteer, sign up to house or bring a meal, please call Janice Hoss: (918) 336-4353 or email: secretary@stjohn-bartlesville.org
Totus Tuus 2022
June 26 - July 1
The favorite Summer Catechetical Program is returning to Bartlesville!
Grades 1-6: Monday - Friday, June 27 - July 1
8:45am - 3pm, Fr. Lynch Hall
Grades 7-12: Sunday - Thursday, June 26 - 30
7:30pm - 9:45pm, Fr. Lynch Hall.
How to Register
To enroll, please download a registration form by clicking the button below. You may complete and email back to secretary@stjohn-bartlesville.org or return to the folder on the table in the Gathering Area.
Registration Fees
$20 per student, $50 for families with 3 or more children.
Scholarships are available!
For more information about the program, please call Janice Hoss: (918) 336-4353 or email: secretary@stjohn-bartlesville.org